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All in one

CES provides services for social media investigations, eDiscovery, and analytics through the use of PRISM, an API enhanced social media aggregator.

CES PRism all in one social media investigative solution

early case assessment, identification, collection, preservation and authentication of ESI

•  Early Case Assessment

•  Identification & Collection of ESI

•  Preservation of ESI

•  Authentication of ESI

backgrounds, identify and collect online evidence, monitor social media profiles, identify and locate persons

•  Backgrounds on Persons & Organizations

•  Identify & Collect Online Evidence

•  Monitor Social Media Profiles

•  Identify & Locate Persons

risk and threat assessments, busincess intelligence, strategic, organizational and tactical analysis, monitor crital events

•  Risk & Threat Assessments

•  Business Intelligence

•  Strategic, Organizational, & Tactical Analysis

•  Monitor Critical Events

4. Report

Helping you find the right solutions.

PRISM is a social media content aggregator designed to allow users to search, monitor, and archive data from multiple social media websites, blogs, and news sites all within a single browser-based tool. PRISM cuts down the time spent on social media research by bringing multiple sources of information together in one place.

3. Monitor

2. Capture

1. Search

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